Office address
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Bretagne, Centre-Val de Loire, Grand-Est, Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, Normandie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire, PACA,
For questions about INPI or IP, call INPI Direct : 0820 210 211 (0,10 € TTC/mn) + prix appel / to call from another country than France, dial : (+33).
Mail : contact@inpi.fr
Website : www.inpi.fr
You can also contact INPI with this page.
Contact Mandatory information
You must have a mandatory with an address in France for all correspondance with the office. You can find here the list of patent representatives (search by region and departments).
Data bases
The office provides information about patents, trademarks, designs, geographical indications and case law
Access to these databases is free of charge.
Open data
Open and reusable by all, our data is at your disposal so you may imagine added-value products and services and open new markets.
The INPI’s official publications, linked to industrial property rights, are in the official bulletins of industrial property. They are available online since 2005 for the patents’ official bulletins and since 2006 for the trademarks’ and registered designs’ bulletins.
Prior art search, competitive environment, technology monitoring,… the INPI’s experts are at your disposal to carry out extensive and specific research regarding the patents, trademarks, designs, companies or the case law. Tactical fields to forge partnerships, invest a sector or fight against counterfeiters.
Find below a list of IP actors available in this country. They are classified along the following categories :
Name | Region | Website | |
Continous Training/Education | Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (The Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies) | Alsace | ceipi.edu |
Centre Paul Roubier Industrial Property Law training and research organisation | Rhône-Alpes | paulroubier.com | |
Institut Europeen Entreprise et Propriété Intellectuelle (Trainning Imstitute on Intellectual Property) | Alsace | ieepi.org |
Name | Region | Website | |
Initial | Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (The Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies) | Alsace | ceipi.edu |
Name | Region | Website | |
National IP bodies | Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (French NPO) | Île-de-France | inpi.fr |
Ministère de l’Agriculture/CPOV Comité pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (Ministry of Agriculture/CPOV New variety certificates commitee) | Île-de-France | geves.fr/index3.php | |
La Direction Générale de la Compétitivité, de l’Industrie et des Services (DGCIS – General Directorate for Competitiveness, Industry and Services) | Île-de-France | dgcis.gouv.fr/politique-et-enjeux/innovation |
Name | Region | Website | |
IP agents (patent, trademark…) (eventually the professional association) | CNCPI Compagnie Nationale des conseils en Propriété Industrielle (French Institute of Patent & Trademark Attorneys ) | Île-de-France | cncpi.fr |
- IP lawyers (non-exhaustive list) (eventually the professional association) ( 1 contact(s) available)
Name | Region | Website | |
IP lawyers (non-exhaustive list) (eventually the professional association) | Légicité : a legal portal providing tools to enable and enhance access to law | legicite.com/aide_juridique/ |
Name | Region | Website | |
Guidance for financial assistance | Banque publique d’investissement – Assistance and financial support to French SMEs and VSEs | bpifrance.fr | |
Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche/ Ministry for Higher Education and Research | Île-de-France | enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/pid20006/innovation-recherche-et-developpement-economique.html |
Name | Region | Website | |
Guidance for valorisation (licencing, sale or any other form of IP transfer) | Banque publique d’investissement – Assistance and financial support to French SMEs and VSEs | bpifrance.fr/en_region | |
Réseau C.U.R.I.E. (Réseau de Cooprération de relations Industrielles et Economiques) The French National Association for Public research Valorization | Bretagne | curie.asso.fr | |
ACFCI (Assemblée des Chambres Françaises de Commerce et dIindustrie) The Assembly of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry | Île-de-France | acfci.cci.fr | |
ARIST Agences Régionales d’Information Stratégique et technologique (Regional Agencies for technological and stratgical information ) | acfci.cci.fr/innovation/Aristcarte.htm | ||
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Alsace (Business Innovation Centre – Alsace) | Alsace | ceei-alsace.fr | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Provence (Business Innovation Centre – Provence) | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | ceei-provence.com | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Loire (Business Innovation Centre – Loire) | Rhône-Alpes | ceeiloire.org | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Lorraine (Business Innovation Centre – Lorraine) | Lorraine | synergie-ceei.com | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Limousin (Business Innovation Centre – Limousin) | Limousin | limousin-expansion.fr | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Savoie (Business Innovation Centre – Savoie) | Île-de-France | ceei-technolac.com | |
CEEI (Centre Européen et d’Entreprise Innovation) Montpellier-Nimes (Business Innovation Centre – Montpellier-Nimes) | Languedoc-Roussillon | innovup.com | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie d’Alsace (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Alsace) | Alsace | alsace.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Strasbourg et du Bas-Rhin (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Strasbourg and Bas-Rhin) | Alsace | strasbourg.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Aquitaine (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Aquitaine) | Aquitaine | aquitaine.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Auvergne (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Auvergne) | Auvergne | auvergne.cci.fr | |
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie du Puy-de-Dôme (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Puy-de-Dôme) | Auvergne | puy-de-dome.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Bourgogne (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Bourgogne) | Bourgogne | bourgogne.cci.fr | |
Chambre Regionale De Commerce Et D’Industrie De Bretagne (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Bretagne) | Bretagne | bretagne.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale De Commerce Et D’Industrie Champagne-Ardenne (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Champagne-Ardenne) | Champagne-Ardenne | champagne-ardenne.cci.fr | |
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Centre (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Centre) | Centre | centre.cci.fr | |
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Franche-Comte (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Franche-Comte) | Franche-Comté | franche-comte.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce Et D’Industrie De Paris (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Paris) | Île-de-France | ccip.fr | |
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Paris-Ile-de-France (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Paris Ile-de-France) | Île-de-France | cci-paris-idf.fr | |
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Seine-et-Marne (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Seine et Marne) | Île-de-France | seineetmarne.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce et d’Industrie de l’Essonne (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Essonne) | Île-de-France | essonne.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce et d’Industrie de Versailles, Val-D’Oise et d’Yvelines (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Versailles, Val-D’Oise and d’Yvelines) | Île-de-France | versailles.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Languedoc-Roussillon (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Languedoe Roussillon) | Languedoc-Roussillon | languedoc-roussillon.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale De Commerce Et D’Industrie Du Limousin (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Limousin) | Limousin | limousin.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Lorraine (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Lorraine) | Lorraine | lorraine.cci.fr | |
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Midi-Pyrenees (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Midi-Pyrennees) | Midi-Pyrénées | midi-pyrenees.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie du Nord – Pas De Calais (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Nord Pas de Calais) | Nord-Pas-de-Calais | nordpasdecalais.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Haute Normandie (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Haute Normandie) | Haute-Normandie | drakkaronline.com | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Basse Normandie (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Basse Normandie) | Basse-Normandie | basse-normandie.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Provence Alpes Côte D’Azur Corse (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Provence Alpes Cote ‘Azur Corse) | Corse | pacac.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Pays De La Loire (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Pays de La Loire) | Pays de la Loire | paysdelaloire.cci.fr | |
Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie poitou Charentes (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Poitou Charentes) | Charentes | poitou-charentes.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce et d’Industrie de Lyon (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Lyon) | Rhône-Alpes | arist.rhone-alpes.cci.fr | |
Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d’Industrie Rhone-Alpes (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Rhone Alpes) | Rhône-Alpes | haute-savoie.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce et d’Industrie de La Haute-Savoie (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Haute Savoie) | Rhône-Alpes | lyon.cci.fr | |
Chambre De Commerce et d’Industrie de Grenoble (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Grenoble) | Rhône-Alpes | grex.fr | |
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Pointe-a-Pitre (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Pointe-a-Pitre) | Guadeloupe | pointe-a-pitre.cci.fr | |
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Martinique (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Martinique) | Martinique | martinique.cci.fr | |
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de La Réunion (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Réunion) | Réunion | reunion.cci.fr | |
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Guyane (Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry – Guyane) | Guyane | guyane.cci.fr |
Name | Region | Website | |
Organisations combating IP counterfeiting | Comité National Anti-Contrefaçon Anti counterfeiting commitee | Île-de-France | contrefacon-danger.com |
UNIFAB Unions des Fabricants/Union of Manufacturers | Île-de-France | unifab.com |
Name | Region | Website | |
Other | ASPI Association française des Spécialistes en Propriété industrielle de l’Industrie French Association of Specialists in Industrial Property for Industry | Île-de-France | aspi.asso.fr |
ACFCI Assemblée des chambres françaises de commerce et d’industrie Association of chambers of commerce | Île-de-France | acfci.cci.fr | |
ARIST Agences Régionales d’Information Stratégique et technologique Regional Agencies for technological and stratgical information | acfci.cci.fr/innovation/Aristcarte.htm | ||
ANRT Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique National Association for Technical Research | Île-de-France | anrt.asso.fr | |
Centres Relai Innovation (Innovation Relay Centres, I.R.Cs) | irc-paris-idf.net |
Network / Entity | information |
| INPI is the national office. It raises awareness in educational, business, scientific and legal communities (courses on IP, meetings,…). Since 1998, it supports financially a plurality of projets promoting IP : free diagnosis about IP in your compagny, support for local initiatives in education and awareness in IP. |
Ministry for Industrial Renewal
| Minister for Industrial Renewal is in charge of tutelage of INPI, especially by his division (DGE), gives general orientations decided by political forces and makes choices on industrial strategies in France. DIRECCTE offices (Direction régionale des entreprises, de la concurrence, de la consommation, du travail et de l’emploi), in tutelage of Ministry are in each regions in charge of most of industry problems. They are in contact with SMEs. |
Ministry for Higher Education and Research
| Ministry of research gives national orientations to research organisms, universities, finances a lot of institutions or laboratories. It tries to develop Innovation and technological transfers. DRRT are the delegations of research Ministry in regions. They have an information, coordination and developpement mission, at the regional level. enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr |
Public Investment Bank – BPI | BPI has a mission of general interest supporting the regional and national policies. Its mission is to provide assistance and financial support to French SMEs during their life: start up, innovation, development, business transfer / buy out. The basic principle is the sharing of the risk, in order to facilitates the access of SMEs to financing by banking partners and equity capital investors. BPI has four areas of activity : – Innovation support and funding : for technology transfer and innovative technology projects. BPI proposes two types of assistance: refundable subsidies and advances in the event of success. BPI covers all areas of France, through its regional network. Notices about support, to be chosen with different criteria related to your own case on this page |
| ARIST (Agence Regionale d’Information Scientifique et Technique) are regional agencies depending on Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There are 25 agencies in France, which work directly for SMEs, individually or organizing courses for SMEs and students. Some of them have very good competence in IP. |
CNAC | There is in France a comitee which fights against counterfeit (CNAC : Comité National Anti Contrefaçon). It was created in April 1995 to improve the effectiveness of the fight against counterfeit in France. Its missions are : – Developping coordinated activities of information of the industrialists, consumers and training of the repressive services. – Observe questions of counterfeits under the European and international level – Draw up an assessment of the actions carried out in France and abroad, and search improvements of the current system – Propose means of reinforcing ths co-operation projects at European and international level, by targeting in priority the largest producer countries in counterfeiting objects. For more informations, see www.contrefacon-danger.com |
PATENTS | (euro) |
Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) for patents | |
issue | 6.00 |
Year subscription | 300.00 |
CD ROM Bref (abstracts in french of french, europeans and PCT patents), subscription for the current year (1)(2) | 300.00 |
CD ROM Bref (abstracts in french of french, europeans and PCT patents), previous years (1)(2) | 150.00 |
CD ROM Cosmos A (french patent requests), subscription for the current year (1)(2) | 900.00 |
CD ROM Cosmos A (french patent requests), previous years (2)(3) | 750.00 |
CD ROM Cosmos B (french patents delivered), subscription for the current year (1)(2) | 900.00 |
CD ROM Cosmos B (french patents delivered), previous years (2)(3) | 750.00 |
CD ROM Chemical Reactions | 750.00 |
Documents | |
ESPACE-UK Subscription | 300 |
GLOBALPat Subscription | 150.00 |
TRADEMARKS | (euro) |
Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) for trademarks | |
One issue Bulletin | 22.00 |
Year subscription | 450.00 |
DESIGNS | (euro) |
Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI) for registered designs and models | |
One issue | 15.00 |
Year subscription | 300.00 |
OTHER | (euro) |
Patent fac-simile | 15.00 |
Luxury patent fac-simile | 30.00 |
Official copy (patents, trademarks, designs and models, documents) | 15.00 |
Certificate of identity (trademarks, designs and models) | 15.00 |
(1) contractual reduction for the distributors : 20%
(2) contractual reduction for schools and universities : 50%
(3) contractual reduction for the distributors : 10%