You can find all the information of Portugal about trademarks, patents, utility models, copyrights, registered designs, and all other IP rights.


Step numberStep corresponding information
Step 0

Before you register a trademark, you should take some preliminary precautions:

  1. Find out what type of trademark cannot be registered, such as the ones that:
    1. Have no distinctive character;
    2. Have the potential to mislead the consumer;
    3. Are against the law and public order, or that offend morality and proper behaviour;
    4. Contain symbols of State, emblems of government or foreign organizations, coats of arms, medals, names or portraits of people, or signs possessing a high degree of symbolic value (such as religious symbols), amongst others (except with the permission of the relevant parties);
    5. Constitute a violation of another person’s rights or that might favour acts of unfair competition.
  2. Investigate whether there already exist similar or identical signs to the one you would like to register. To this end, you should research existing registrations in the databases that are available, for free, through INPI portal – menu INPI Online – Searches – Trademarks.


Step 1An application for registration can be made online quickly and easily. On line applications have reduced fees.
In order to file an application for the registration of a trademark you need:
  • To fill the online application:
  • A picture of the trademark, for publication, if the sign to be protected is not only verbal:
  • Payment of the application fees.

You may also need to present documents providing evidence of claims made in the application, such as claims of a right to priority, or declarations of consent or authorization regarding the use of elements included in the trademark.

In case of not being established in Portugal you can still act directly to INPI’s services by indicating an address in Portugal, an e-mail address or a fax number in order to receive notifications.

If you are being represented by an authorized representative, you should provide the relevant power-of-attorney.


Step 2

 Go to INPI’s website at and click on the INPI Online menu [Trademarks – Filing].


Step 3

Once an application is filed, it is submitted to a formal examination and then published online in the Industrial Property Bulletin. Then begins a phase during which those who consider themselves harmed by the possible grant of the registration may file oppositions.


Step 4

When the opposition phase comes to an end (applicants may reply to oppositions), the application is submitted to a substantial examination, following which the decision is issued.


Step 5

At the end of this process, and if no grounds for refusal are found, your trademark is granted.

The registration is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of the grant. This period can be renewable indefinitely for further periods of equal length.
Renewals should be requested during the final six months of the registration validity period.


Step 6

Decisions issued by INPI are subject to appeal through the Intellectual Property Court, during a period of two months following the publication in the Industrial Property Bulletin. The Court of Arbitration which works in conjunction with the Arbitration Centre, ARBITRARE, is able to appraise the appeals from INPI’s decisions that are submitted within a two-month deadline, represents an alternative to the law court. For more information about how the Court of Arbitration works and the advantages it offers, visit



For more information please go to – menu Trademarks. 


StepFees (€)Comments
Standard Filling Fees247.34Paper filing
Filling Fees with reduced fees123.67This fee is for online applications. For paper applications the fee is 240 EUR.This fee comprises one class and includes publication and examination. The Application Fee must be paid when filing your application.
Standard Additionnal class fees62.70 
Additionnal class fees with reduced fees31.35This fee is for online applications. For paper applications the fee is 60,84 EUR. If you wish to protect your trademark in more than one class of products you must pay a fee per additional class. This fee must be paid together with the Application Fee.

Additionnal fees :

  • 41,80€ : If you wish to have a paper certificate of the registration of your trademark, you must pay this fee, for online or paper procedures.
  • 15,68€ : If you wish to have a dematerialized certificate of the registration of your trademark, you must pay this fee, for online or paper procedures.


Defensive Actions



General information

Who can file an opposition against my trade mark?

Article 9.º Those who have any legal interest.

Can I file an opposition against a someone else’s trade mark?


Are there specific deadlines/timeframes which I have to observe in connection with opposition proceedings?

Article 17.º Yes, two months from publication on Industrial Property Bulletin (IPB).

Who will take a decision on the opposition?

Trademarks and Patents Directorate.


What signposts exist?

INPI (Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property)


General information

Who can file a request for the cancellation of my trade mark?

Article 9.º Those who have any legal interest.

Can I file a request for the cancellation of someone else’s trade mark?


Are there specific deadlines/timeframes which I have to observe in connection with a request for cancellation / cancellation proceedings?


Who will take a decision on the cancellation?

Revocation – INPI and Declaration of Invalidity – The court.


What signpost exists?

INPI and Court.


General information

Who can restrict my trade mark rights?

The trademark holder.

Can I restrict someone else’s trade mark?


Are there specific deadlines/timeframes which I have to observe in connection with limitation?



What signposts exist?



Proactive Measures


Action under competition law


What signposts exist?

INPI and AdC (Competition Authority).

Action for damages


What signposts exist?

INPI and Courts.

Customs Seizure

General information

What does customs seizure mean?

Costums have the power to seize goods even before any legal action taken by the IP rights owner.

How to proceed

What initial steps are necessary?

Police authorities must contact IP rights owners to confirm if the the goods are counterfeit and if they intend to file a complaint.


What signposts exist?

INPI, Authority for Food and Economic Safety (AFES), Costums




Preservation of Evidence


What signposts exist?

INPI, Courts, AFES, Police Authorities



A colour icon describes the complexity of each question as follows:





  • To conduct a trademark search using the INPI Online services click here.
  • To file a trademark using the INPI Online services click here.


Information about renewal

The registration is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of the grant. This period is renewable indefinitely for further periods of equal length. Renewals should be requested during the final six months of the registration validity period. If a renewal application is submitted after this period (but no longer than six months later), an additional fee is payable.

The payment of renewal fees can be made at at the menu INPI Online – Trademarks – Filing – Renewal. 

YearStandard fees (€)Reduced fees (€)Comments
10247.34 Reduced fees – online