Office Address
The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
52 b Dr. G.M.Dimitrov Blvd.,
1040 Sofia
The Patent Office is the National State Authority for the legal protection of the industrial property rights. The Office is located in Sofia.The Patent Office is a modern institution whose vocation is to work for the implementation of the up-to-date system for the protection of the industrial property.
Free services
Patent Office
The Patent Office of the Republic of Latviaprovides free access to the databases for Industrial Designs and Trademarks – access to these databases http://www.lrpv.gov.lv/en
The Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia publishes the Official Gazette “Izgudrojumi. Pre?u z?mes un Dizainparaugi (contains recordings in the Registers of Inventions, Trademarks, Industrial designs and Topographies of Semiconductor Products) – see at http://www.lrpv.gov.lv/en/vestnesis
Department “Patent and Technology Library” provides:
– open access reading room
– reference and consulting services about industrial property protection
– training on the use of patent, trademark and industrial design databases
– consultations on the use of electronic catalogue and subscription databases
– patent clinic – 20 minute free consultations between client and patent attorney
– workshops covering intellectual property protection issues
Paid services
Department “Patent and Technology Library” of the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia offers:
– Patent information searches
– Trademark searches
– Industrial Design searches
– Monitoring of industrial property rights
Contact details
Krisjana Valdemara 33, Riga, LV-1010, LATVIA
Phone: +371 67226628
E-mail: patbib@lrpv.gov.lv
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 – 17:00; Wednsday 10:00 – 18:00
Find below a list of IP actors available in this country. They are classified along the following categories :
Name | Region | Website | |
Continous Training/Education | University of National and World Economy, Faculty of General Economics, Intellectual Property Department | Sofia (city) | unwe.acad.bg/?lang=en |
Name | Region | Website | |
Initial Training/Education | Technical University of Sofia, the Faculty of Management, Department of Humanitarian Sciences and Design | Sofia (city) | office_tu@tu-sofia.bg |
Name | Region | Website | |
National IP bodies | Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria | Sofia (city) | bpo.bg |
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria Industrial Property Centre – Varna | Varna | bpo.bg | |
Ministry of culture of the Republic of Bulgaria Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Directorate | mc.government.bg |
Name | Region | Website | |
IP agents (patent, trademark…) (eventually the professional association) | Industrial Property Representatives | bpo.bg/images/stories/useful_info/list_iprepresen.pdf |
- IP lawyers (non-exhaustive list) (eventually the professional association) ( 1 contact(s) available)
Name | Region | Website | |
IP lawyers (non-exhaustive list) (eventually the professional association) | Industrial Property Representatives | bpo.bg/images/stories/useful_info/list_iprepresen.pdf |
Name | Region | Website | |
Guidance for financial assistance | Applied Research and Communication Funds ARC FUND | Sofia (city) | arcfund.net |
irc.bg |
Name | Region | Website | |
Guidance for valorisation (licencing, sale or any other form of IP transfer) | High Technology Business Incubator – Burgas | Burgas | htto.org |
Technical University – Gabrovo Technology Transfer Center | Gabrovo | tugab.bg | |
Technology Transfer Center – Kyustendil | Kyustendil | 7, Dimitar Grancharov Str. Floor 3 2500 Kyustendil Tel :+359 78 50954 mobile: +359 888 632 297 | |
Technology Transfer Center – Maritza Maritza Vegetable Crops Institute | Plovdiv | 32, Brezovsko shoes Str. 4000 Plovdiv Tel :+359 32 960 181 | |
National Technology Transfer Association | Plovdiv | 30, Filip Makedonski Str. Floor 2 4000 Plovdiv Tel :+359 32 630 865 | |
Technology Transfer Center The Rousse University „Angel Kanchev“ | Ruse | 8, Studentska Str. Rousse 7017 Tel :+359 82 841 368 | |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute Technology Transfer Center | Sofia (city) | space.bas.bg/ | |
The Centre for Transfer of Environmentally Oriented Technologies and Innovations in the Field of Inorganic Chemistry (TransMission) | Sofia (city) | transmission.igic.bas.bg | |
Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” Faculty of Chemistry Technology Transfer Center | Sofia (city) | 1, James Boucher Blvd. 1164 Sofia Tel :+359 2 816 1375 | |
Technology Market: ?SI – Bulgaria Bulgarian Industrial Association European Innovation Center – Bulgaria GIS Transfer Center Fund | Sofia (city) | ||
KIBERTRON OOD Technology Transfer Center | Sofia (city) | kibertron.com | |
Technology Transfer Center – Ikar | Sofia (city) | 15, Graf Ignatiev Str. 1000 Sofia | |
International Innovation and Technology Transfer Center | Sofia (city) | 92 Rakovski Str. Floor 1 1000 Sofia Tel :+359 887 108 376 | |
GIS Transfer Center Fund Energy, Chemical technologies and Environment Center University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) | Sofia (city) | 8, Kl. Ohridski Blvd. 1756 Sofia Tel :(+359) 2 8163 477 mobile: +359 899 241 077 | |
GIS Transfer Center Fund International Cooperation Center | Sofia (city) | 6, P. Slaveykov Sq. Office 17 1000 Sofia Tel :+359 2 9888 206 mobile: +359 888 430323 | |
GIS Transfer Center Fund Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Transfer Center – NANOTECH | Sofia (city) | 72, Tzarigradsko shose Blvd. P.O.Box 135 1113 Sofia Tel :+359 2 761 122 mobile: +359 887 275 344 | |
Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna High Tech Business Incubator | Varna | htbi-varna.org | |
nebg-ris.net | |||
rosio-varna.net | |||
N.Y.Vaptsarov Naval Academy Naval Technology Transfer Center | Varna | naval-acad.bg |
Name | Region | Website | |
Organisations combating IP counterfeiting | Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria Legal Affairs and Disputes Directorate Administrative Penal Activities Sector | Sofia (city) | bpo.bg |
Commission for Protection of Competition | Sofia (city) | cpc.bg | |
National Customs Agency | Sofia (city) | customs.bg |
Name | Region | Website | |
Others | Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” – Burgas | Burgas | 1, Prof.Dr. Yakimov Blvd. Burgas 8010 Tel :+359 56 880 249 |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) Technical University – Gabrovo | Gabrovo | tugab.bg | |
PATLIB – Plovdiv Regional Industrial Association | Plovdiv | 37, Tzar Boris III Obedinitel Pavilion 27 Plovdiv 4003 Tel :+359 888 204 200 | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv Centre of International Cooperation & Patents | Plovdiv | uft-plovdiv.bg | |
PATLIB – Rousse Ruse Industrial Association | Ruse | 35, Tzarkovna Nezavisimost Str. Rousse 7000, P.O.Box 11 Tel :+359 82 825 015 | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) The Rousse University „Angel Kanchev“ | Ruse | 8, Studentska Str. Rousse 7017 Tel :+359 82 888 577 | |
PATLIB Center Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria Central Patent Library | Sofia (city) | bpo.bg | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) Technical University of Sofia | Sofia (city) | 8, Kliment Ohridski Blvd., bl.1 Sofia 1756 Tel :+359 2 965 36 57 | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) Medical University – Sofia | Sofia (city) | 1, Georgi Sofiiski Blvd. Sofia 1431 Tel :+359 2 952 31 71 | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) State University for Library Studies and Information Technologies | Sofia (city) | svubit.org | |
University of National and World Economy – UWNE Centre for Intellectual Property | Sofia (city) | cip.unwe.acad.bg/en | |
PATLIB Center Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria Industrial Property Centre – Varna | Varna | bpo.bg | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) Technical University – Varna | Varna | 1, Studentska Str. Varna 9010 Tel :+359 887843 618 | |
Industrial Property Points at Universities (IP Point) The Naval Academy “N.J.Vaptsarov” – Varna | Varna | 73, Vasil Drumev Str. Varna 9026 Tel :+359 52 552 223 +359 52 552 236 |
Awareness | The PATENT OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA is active in spreading awareness of the the whole system of Industrial Property as widely as possible while also publicising details of its services. This information is primarily aimed at Bulgarian business and commerce, but is also of value to the academic community or to the lone inventor, and can be used both at home and abroad. |
Raising Awareness of IP | We aim to promote knowledge of and demand for Industrial Propertyrights though our work with companies, business intermediaries, schools and higher education institutions: our commercial search and advisory activities: and directly to users through seminars, our central enquiry unit and this website. – For future information on our work with business, please contact Rumyana Nikolova on +3592 9701 314 or via email rnikolova@bpo.bg Department Co-operation and |
Government Funding | For all information about government funding and schemes to support innovation you may refer to the Ministry of Economy and Energy ( http://www.mi.government.bg/eng/index.html ) and to the Agency for Promotion of SMEs ( http://www.sme.government.bg/IANMSP/Default_en.aspx ). |
Events | Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications (WIPO/GEO/SOF/09) [2 document(s)] Jun 10, 2009 to Jun 12, 2009 (Sofia, Bulgaria)
———————————————————————————————————————————– PATLIB2009 |
Enforcement in Bulgaria | Civil, Criminal and Administrative procedures |
Enforcing IP Rights |
The Sofia City Court is competent to hear disputes concerning infringement of exclusive rights. Civil infringement actions may relate to: Apart form the above, the Bulgarian Penal code provides that certain acts may constitute crime (Art. 172b. and Art. 174. Penal Code). The right holder may refer to the police or to the public prosecutor in such cases. |
Through the BPO Office | The administrative penal activity of the Patent Office BPO provides the following enforcement services to the holders of marks and designs: 1. Administrative penal procedure against anyone using in the course of trade goods or services bearing a sign that is identical with or similar to a registered mark without the consent of the proprietor thereof: and administrative penal procedure against anyone offerring for sale, placing on the market, importing or exporting, or stocking for those purposes goods manufactured by copying or use of a design without the consent of its holder. The Office has the power to impose a Fine and to seize goods that infringing registered rights |
Relevant national legislation | ? Law on Patents and Utility Model Registration – Infringement of Patent Rights and of Utility Model Rights – Art. 27-28d: Border Controls – Art.83a, 83b: Administrative Penal Provisions – Art.84:
? Law on Marks and Geographical Indications, Infringement of Registered Marks and of Registered Geographical Indications – Art. 73 – 77: Border Controls – Art. 78a – 80a: Administrative Violations and Penalties – Art. 81-88:
? Law on Industrial Designs – Infringement of Rights in Designs – Art. 55 – 61: Border Controls- Art.62 – 64a: Administrative Violations and Penalties- Art. 65 – 70: |
Regarding the Publications made by the Patent Office and the subscription for
IP information updated data is available at:
(www.bpo.bg/ Publications section)