Plant Variety | Information |
What a Plant Variety Protection is | Vegetable obtaining is a new variety (hybrids, lines, clones etc.), created or discovered, of a genera or species. The title of protection, called “Certificat d’Obtention Végétale” (certificate of vegetable obtaining) is delivered following the application at the “Comité de la Protection des Obtentions Végétales” (CPOV), depending from Ministry for Agriculture. The protection can last 25 years from the delivery. |
Procedure and fees | Plant variety protection comes under the competence of the CPOV. CPOV Tél. : +331 42 75 90 00 – Fax : +331 47 05 99 66 |
Semiconducteur protection | Information |
What a Semiconducteur protection is | This procedure allows you to protect a Semiconducteur Topography |
Procedures and fees | To declare a Semiconducteur Topography, you have to fill in the form N° 11516*01 The fees are of 76€, that you have to pay the day of your application. |
Helpful links :
• What is a Semiconductor topography and how to protect it?
• How to consult a registered semiconductor topography?
Direct links to the useful formulars :
• Registering a transmission or a correction of the rights in the national register form
SPC | Information |
What a SPC is | This “Supplementary Protection Certificate” allows you to extend the protection of a drug or a phytopharmacological product for a maximum of 5 years after the end of the medicinal product or plant protection product patent protection, as the duration to obtain marketing authorization is quite long. The product should not have been the subject of another supplementary certificate of protection. The examination of a supplementary request for certificate of protection implies a systematic research of anteriorities. The supplementary request for certificate of protection must imperatively be asked within six month from the date of granting of the first marketing authorization delivered in France, or covering the French territory, for the product. In the case the delivery of the marketing authorization intervenes before the granting of the main patent, the request for certificate of complementary of protection must be deposited within 6 month as from the date of granting of the patent.
– a request ingranting
What a SPC extension is | The extension period of SPC is 6 months. The application for an extension of the duration may be deposit when requesting a SPC, or when the application for the certificate is pending (2 years before the expiration of the certificate or 6 months before during the transition period – until January 2012)
– a copy of the statement indicating compliance with an agreed complete paediatric investigation plan
Direct links to the useful formulars :
• Registering a transmission or correction of the rights in the national register form