You can find all the information of Ireland about trademarks, patents, utility models, copyrights, registered designs, and all other IP rights.


step numberstep corresponding information
step 1

In order to apply for a Design Registration, the applicant must be the proprietor i.e. the owner of the Design. The proprietor can be the author of the Design or the employer of the person who created the design if this was done in the course of the employment (subject to any contract or agreement to the contrary).

An application to register the design should be made before the design is made available to the public. To apply, complete the appropriate application form. The completed application form should be accompanied by the prescribed fees.

It is possible to apply for up to 100 designs in one application, known as a multiple application. Except in cases of ornamentation, this is subject to the condition that the products in which or to which it is intended to apply the designs, all belong to the same class of the Locarno system of International Classification.

Design Application Form No.1 (single design) and Form No. 1A (multiple designs) are available at:

step 2

The filing date of an application for registration of a design shall be the date on which the applicant pays the prescribed filing fee and files at the Patents office documents which contain in the prescribed form-

· a request for registration of a design or designs

· a representation of the design or designs suitable for reproduction, and

· the name and address of the applicant.

step 3When an application containing the required minimum information is received, firstly a receipt is issued in respect of the prescribed fee and usually this will issue within 2 days of receipt of the fee. Then a filing date and application number is assigned and a filing receipt is issued usually within 7 working days.
step 4The application is then checked by an examiner to determine that the formal requirements are complied with. If an examiner has a query or requests clarification, the applicant will be contacted and will be given time in which to respond.
step 5If the applicant does not respond within the time specified the application shall be deemed to be abandoned.
step 6 When the application is accepted as being in order for registration, it is then registered and a certificate of registration is issued to the proprietor. The registration of the design is published in the Patents Office Journal although this will not happen immediately upon registration if there has been a request for deferment of publication and the period of deferment is still running. The notice published in the Journal includes a representation of the design: if more than one representation of the design is filed, the representation published is usually the first in the series filed, unless the Applicant has requested otherwise.


StepFees (€)Comments
Standard Filling Fees70The statutory fee for an application to register a single design.


YearStandard fees (€)Reduced fees (€)Comments