Step number | Step corresponding information |
step 1 | Prepare your Trademark: – make sure your trademark is a distinctive word, logo, picture or other sign that clearly distinguishes your goods and services from those of other traders; – check if someone else has already registered or applied to register a similar mark for similar goods or services; – check if someone else is using a similar mark for similar goods or services (via search engines on Internet, telephone books, copyright of titles, indexes of industries or products) – if you want to use as a trademark a name which is not yours and belongs to a famous person, the related written consent is required if the person is still alive, otherwise the heirs’ permission: anyway a name cannot be used in a way which would damage the fame or the dignity of those who have the right to use it. – select the classes of goods or services you require to protect. Trademark registration lasts for ten years but it can be renewed indefinitely every ten years. |
step 2 | Submitting an application: Fill in and file the trade mark application form Domanda di Registrazione per Marchio dImpresa Modulo C (Registration for trademarks, filing form C): – more detailed instructions at the following links: http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/la-modulistica/marchi – with all the requested attachments in five copies included the original. The application must be presented in any of the Italian Chambers of Commerce or directly sent to the Directorate General for the Fight against Counterfeiting-Italian Patent and Trademark Office by registered postal service (DGLC-UIBM via Molise,19 -00187 ROMA (ITALY). Applications must be made in Italian. If the application concerns the registration of a collective trademark, a copy of the regulation concerning the use of this trademark, the controls and the foreseen sanctions relating thereto must also be attached. The E-filing for applications is operative. It can be made through the UIBM on line service: http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/la-modulistica/marchi |
step 3 | The Chamber of Commerce that receives the TM application gives a receipt containing the official file number and date of the application. If you have appointed a representative, the receipt will be given to your representative. |
step 4 | Examination: Processing of the trade mark application will be continued only after the receipt of the application fee and class fees, if any. The application will be checked for compliance with the formal application requirements and the existence of so-called absolute grounds for refusal impeding the registration of the application. The IPTO does not examine whether similar or identical trademarks have already been registered. |
step 5 | Granting of the trademark: If the application complies with all the requirements and no absolute ground for refusal are identified, the trademark will be recorded in the register and the registration published on the electronic TM Bulletin. There is a three months period after the publication for the proprietor of an earlier trademark to oppose the registration of your mark. |
Information about the costs/fees can also be found at the following links: http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/marchi/registrare-un-marchio-in-italia/quando-registrare-un-marchio-2
see also
The Italian Industrial Property Code deals with the trademark in art. 7 and following ones.
Art. 8 Portraits of people, names and famous signs
Art. 9 Trademark of shapes
Art. 13 Distinctive capability
All signs capable of being represented graphically can constitute a trademark provided that they possess a distinctive character capable of distinguishing goods or services of an enterprise from goods and services of another one. So all the signs consisting of generic definitions, quality, quantity, destination, geographical provenance, value, species, data of production (…) cannot be registered as a trademark.
It is not possible to register as trademark a sign which exclusively consists of a shape which is imposed by the nature of the related product itself or in a shape which gives a substantial value to the product.
Art. 10 Emblems
It is not possible to register a trademark dealing with the following subjects:
– portraits and names of people without the relevant person’s consent;
– coats-of-arms, flags, official emblems and other signs used commonly used in scientific, political, sport contests considered in International Convention in force without a specific authorization;
– words, figures or signs contrary to law, public order or morals;
– signs capable of deceiving consumers about geographical origin, nature and quality of goods or services;
– signs which, if used, constitute an infringement of exclusive IPRs belonging to third parties.
Art.11 Collective Trademark
Those subjects who are in charge of guaranteeing the origin, the nature or the quality of some products or services can register ad hoc collective trademarks which can be allowed to be used by third parties.
A specific regulation, which will be communicated to the National Office will rule the use of the collective trademark by third parties.
As an exception to what mentioned above, a collective trademark can contain a sign regarding the geographical origin of the product/service.
Useful links:
- Trademark application form http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/la-modulistica
- Instructions on how to fill the application form http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/marchi/registrare-un-marchio-in-italia/come-si-registra-un-marchio
- Instructions on how to file a Trademark http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/la-modulistica/marchi
All information about the costs/fees can be found at the link: http://www.uibm.gov.it/index.php/marchi/registrare-un-marchio-in-italia/quando-registrare-un-marchio-2
Duration of protection and condition of renewal
An applicant can apply to register a trade mark for periods of 10 years, indefinitely renewable. The exclusive right takes effect after registration, but from the date of application filing. To renew a trademark without any change, it is sufficient to submit an application and pay the due fees within the twelve months preceding the expiry of the 10-year period in force or within the following six months with a surcharge.
Year | Standard fees (€) | Reduced fees (€) | Comments |
10 | 67 | 67 for For one class of goods/services 34 for Each additional class 202 for Collective trademark (one or more classes) |