You can find all the information of Norway about trademarks, patents, utility models, copyrights, registered designs, and all other IP rights.


Step numberStep corresponding information
Step 1

You must produce illustrations of the object you wish to protect.- These illustrations may be drawings, computer drawings or photographs.

– Your illustrations must present an accurate and complete picture of your design and be of a high quality.

– Parts of a product which are not included in the design, can be outlined in dotted lines.

– No verbal description of the design is allowed.

Step 2Fill out a design application form via our application guide, see ”Applicant’s toolbox”.
Step 3

Within three months of reception, we will examine your application to see if it meets our requirements. Besides the formal requirements, we examine whether the design complies with the definition of a design laid down in the Designs Act and that the design is not contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality. We also check that it does not include, without authorization, a coat of arms, a national flag or an official control or guarantee mark etc.

We do not examine the novelty and individual character compared to prior designs unless you specifically request this in the application form. You must pay a fee for this examination, see ”Cost”. If we find any prior designs that we believe may destroy the novelty of your design, it is up to you to decide whether you want to withdraw your application or not.

Step 4If we find any deficiencies, we will write to you. You will have the possibility to correct the deficiencies within the due date of our letter. If you do not answer within the due date, the application will be shelved.
Step 5When everything is in order, the application will be registered and receive a registration number. We will send you a registration letter, and the registration will be published in the Norwegian Designs Gazette ”Norsk Designtidende” available on our website.


StepFees (kr)Comments
Standard Filling Fees1900 


For more information on how much it costs to register your design in Norway, see the Norwegian Industrial Property Office web site:


Apply for design registration in Norway: use our application guide

No Norwegian national ID number?
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) offers a secure electronic solution for those of our customers without a national ID number. File applications and communicate with us electronically. Read more about how you can do this. 


YearStandard fees (kr)Reduced fees (kr)Comments
52900 No
103500 No
154100 No
205000 No


For more information on renewing your registered design, see the Norwegian Industrial Property Office web site:–annual-fee/