You can find all the information of Turkey about trademarks, patents, utility models, copyrights, registered designs, and all other IP rights.


Step numberStep coressponding information
Step 1



Copyright law grants authors, composers, computer programmers, website designers and other creators legal protection for their literary, artistic, dramatic and other types of creations, which are usually referred to as “works.” Copyright law protects a wide variety of original works, such as books, magazines, newspapers, music, paintings, photographs, sculptures, architecture, films, computer programs, video games and original databases


Step 2

Detailed information and how does registration system operate about copyright is available at


How much doest it cost?

As there are no obligatory formalities to fulfil, there is no cost.

The cost for (non – obligatory) registration of a document at the registration office is 25 Euro (2012).  The cost for (non-obligatory) registration of a document at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property is € 35 for an online I-depot and € 45 for a traditional (paper, CD-rom,…) registration for 5 years.


Copyright does not require renewal.

Copyright in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work (including a photograph) lasts until 70 years after the death of the author. The rights of the holders of so-called related rights (performers, producers of phonograms, producers of the first fixation of a film, broadcasting organisations) expire after 50 years. The starting point of this 50 year period depends on the category of rightholders and can be the performance, the fixation, the first publication, the first communication to the public or the first transmission.